Article archive

Windows Hack Code

16/12/2009 12:24
Five Lives of Win XP Posted by jaiminworld on September 23, 2008 Everytime you boot, you get the dreaded Blue Screen of Death. Or, though your PC does boot, you never get to see the desktop or use your applications and files. Everyone gives you the same verdict— re-install everything.Try...

Javascript hack code

16/12/2009 12:23
Copy,Move or Delete existing file Posted by jaiminworld on September 10, 2008 How… 1. Creat a .txt file or open Notepad. 2.Copy below Java Script code in notepad. 3.Save the file as test.htm or test.html as U wish. 4.Open the internet browser (e.g. : IE). 5.Open the test.htm or test.html...

HTML fun code

16/12/2009 12:21
Write in the Webpage something Different like È 倭 ࣉ Posted by jaiminworld on September 10, 2008 How… 1. Creat a .txt file or open Notepad. 2.Copy below Java Script code in notepad. 3.Save the file as test.htm or test.html as U wish. 4.Open the internet browser (e.g. : IE). 5.Open the...

Google Hack

16/12/2009 12:20
Google Tips Posted by jaiminworld on September 23, 2008 Cleaning Your Contacts One of Gmail’s “features” can leave you with extra entries in your Contacts list. Gmail has a (debatably) nice feature that automatically adds to your Contacts list the email addresses of those to whom you send...

Firefox hack

16/12/2009 12:18
Firefox Speed Tweaks Posted by jaiminworld on September 23, 2008 Yes, firefox is already pretty damn fast but did you know that you can tweak it and improve the speed even more? That’s the beauty of this program being open source. Here’s what you do: In the URL bar, type “about:config” and...

Hacking Code

16/12/2009 12:15
Keyboard HACK Posted by jaiminworld on September 10, 2008 How… This is a VBS code that each time you pree the letter “E”, it will close without saving, the reason “E” was chosen is because E is the most common used letter in the english language.   Open MS Word And Press F11, To Open...

Check if a Program is being installed or not?

16/12/2009 12:11
Private bInstalled As Boolean Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load        Try            Dim oApp As Object = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")         ...

Why to Choose as Webnode as your sub-domain site?

15/12/2009 12:19
 I see many  web hosting site that offer a domain site but not for free instead I decided to just use a sub-domain type which really fits to what i need. After searching a few minutes,Guess what WEBNODE( really do. The Advantage offer by WEBNODE satisfy me(end user) like the...

OS Exercise 1 - Input 5 Integers and sort it from Highest to Lowest.

15/12/2009 12:13
Solution: Public Class Form1     Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click         Dim x As Integer         Dim mine As...

Web Information

21/11/2009 10:03
WHAT IS A INTERNET? The Internet, sometimes called simply "the Net," is a worldwide system of computer networks - a network of networks in which users at any one computer can, if they have permission, get information from any other computer (and sometimes talk directly to users at other computers)....